Finding Your Key to Happiness

Author Aliénor Salmon with her book Finding Rhythm

Finding Your Key to Happiness

Wednesday, October 13

Is the key to success your job title, status or salary? If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be? Author, consultant and happiness researcher Aliénor Salmon has studied these questions ever since she decided to leave her job at the United Nations to follow her dream and embark on a journey to learn how to dance through Latin America.  Along the way, she discovered that happiness is not just a result. Happiness is a way of life that you can achieve through embracing key concepts and theories. In this inspiring webinar at 11 a.m. CDT on October 13th, you will learn about the foundations of the science of happiness, including concepts and theories ranging from ancient Greek philosophies to positive psychology.

About the author: Aliénor Salmon is the author of Finding Rhythm: An International Dance Journey. She has worked as a researcher and consultant on happiness, education, and socio-emotional development for United Nations agencies, government organizations, and startups. She is also a dance influencer and ambassador through her blog and Instagram, Bailando Journey.

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