Reconsidering Work, Life and Meaning During the Great Resignation

Author Terri Trespicio with her book Unfollow your passion: how to create a life that matters to you

Reconsidering Work, Life and Meaning During the Great Resignation

Wednesday, May 11

You were handed a myth at the start of your career: success is inevitable if you find and follow your passion. But what if you don’t know what that passion even is? The New York Times reports that an estimated 25 million Americans left their jobs in the second half of 2021—the highest number since the Bureau of Labor Statistics has recorded. Known as 'The Great Resignation', this post-pandemic period of a mass exodus from the world of work is far more complex than it seems. Even if you have no (actual) plans to quit your job, chances are you’re wondering about the meaning of work in your life. Terri Trespicio, author of the new book Unfollow Your Passion, whose TEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion” has more than 7 million views, will lead an insightful hour of ideas and discussion as we reframe work, ambition and yes, passion in our work and our lives. 

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