Stop Outdated Behaviors: A New Strategy to Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise

Michelle Segar and her book The Joy Choice

Stop Outdated Behaviors: A New Strategy to Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise

Wednesday, October 05

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What if you could easily and joyfully resolve the in-the-moment conflicts that often derail your eating and exercise goals? Much of what we're taught about creating change in eating and exercise is simplistic, outdated and misguided. In this provocative, science-driven webinar, sustainable-behavior-change researcher and health coach Michelle Segar, Ph.D., MPH, MS, explains why popular conventions, like habit formation, can't work for most people when it comes to changing complex healthy behaviors.

You will learn how to turn outdated behavior changes on its head to reveal a flexible, fun and brain-based approach to creating changes in eating, exercise and self-care that finally have the potential to stick.

Register for this webinar and check out other online events at